Yup! I am finally learning to spin on a wheel. (Ooh, and we have a new couch, which is also nice.) The wheel is borrowed from a lovely lady from the local spinning and weaving guild; she is also the one teaching me. I have produced probably almost 300 yards of a natural-cream colored 2 ply worsted. It's hypnotic and soooo much faster than attempting to make yarn with a drop spindle.

I have also been thinking a lot about my garden for next year, inspiring this swatch for a pair of socks now on the needles. Brussel sprouts, or, as I think we should call them, fairy cabbages.

Saskatoon continues being quite picturesque; the above is a shot of downtown, and the Bessborough Hotel, the big castle-ish building near center, is considered emblematic. Below is a shot of the sky and the river, which I think are just about the nicest parts of Saskatchewan. Some seriously wild clouds hereabouts, and they move scary fast.

I hope y'all had lovely Thanksgivings--don't worry, we got our turkey on this weekend, even though I forgot to take a picture of the bird.